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10 Ways to Make Your Home More Eco Friendly

Posted by redbricksbd on June 16, 2022

The concept of green living has exploded in popularity over the last decade, and many people are working hard to make their homes more eco friendly and energy efficient. But it can be difficult to know where to start when making such large changes to your home, especially if you don’t want to make sacrifices in the way of style or comfort. Fortunately, you don’t have to! Here are 10 ways to make your home more eco friendly without sacrificing quality or convenience in any way.

1) Buy Local

Doing your part for sustainable living means buying local and organic. To buy more food that’s grown locally, try shopping at farmers markets or co-ops. When buying cleaning products, opt for all-natural products that you can make yourself. In short, you don’t need much to live green! The key is being mindful of what you purchase and where it comes from. For example, avoid single-use plastics like plastic bags by using reusable bags instead—you might even get a bonus with a discount on your groceries! And if you have some extra time on your hands, consider making some of your own cleaning products so that they are free of harmful chemicals (and save money). You can also make an effort to use less energy in general by turning off lights when leaving rooms or shutting down electronics when not in use.

2) Use an Air Purifier

An air purifier may seem like a luxury, but it’s actually an easy way to improve your health while simultaneously reducing your energy usage. Even something as simple as buying a HEPA filter can help with indoor air quality and reduce allergy symptoms; HEPA filters are much more eco-friendly than whole-house or central air purifiers. It may also be a good idea to invest in an UV light for filtering airborne germs on furniture and other items. Some homeowners also use these lights as pet deterrents, since they can interfere with animals’ skin, eyes, and respiratory systems. If you’re interested in green living but still have questions about building a more eco-friendly home, check out some of our other articles on sustainable architecture and interior design.

3) Get Involved in your Community

If you’re committed to green living, then you’re probably not going to go out and buy a Hummer or other big car—and that’s a great thing! But think about your food choices. If they’re not eco-friendly, they could actually contribute more greenhouse gases than driving. For example, meat production is a huge contributor of greenhouse gas emissions. Living an eco-friendly lifestyle doesn’t mean giving up everything you love; it just means making more informed choices so that everything you do supports sustainable living.

4) Store Energy

Storage batteries can be used for more than just your car. If you want to know how you can make your home more environmentally friendly, we recommend installing a solar storage battery that is specifically designed for your home’s electrical system. These batteries store energy from alternative power sources, such as solar panels or wind turbines, which will keep a backup supply of electricity on hand even when power outages occur. You may have heard of alternative energy systems before, but chances are they’re difficult and expensive to install in a home environment. With these storage systems available on the market today, it’s easier than ever to turn your house into an eco-friendly dwelling.

5) Go Solar

Go solar! With more and more people looking for sustainable living, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Here are 10 ways you can make your home more eco-friendly while keeping things simple. Add a few of these at a time and don’t worry if they seem hard or expensive—if you change some habits along with implementing these tips, you’ll see an impact without breaking your bank account.

6) Water Conservation Tips

Water conservation is one of those things that you never think about until it’s brought to your attention. You turn on a faucet and fresh, clean water comes pouring out; why would you ever stop using so much? Yet, not all countries have an abundance of fresh water flowing through their faucets, meaning conserving water is important. An easy way to do your part in saving natural resources like water? Buy a reusable coffee mug and bring it with you on all of your errands. Each time you order coffee, tell them to fill up your travel mug instead—it’s easy! If you don’t drink coffee or tea every day, do what I do: keep a recycled glass bottle filled with tap water in my bag.

7) The Use of Recycled Materials

Depending on your location, you may have access to some reclaimed or recycled materials for free. For example, if you live in an urban area near a college campus or a community center, chances are good that you can acquire free salvaged materials from places like construction sites. That being said, though it’s often easier and more cost-effective to purchase new building materials than it is to find used ones, there are plenty of ways you can make your home more eco-friendly without spending a dime on new supplies. For example, did you know that simple things like using less toilet paper and taking shorter showers (by turning off water while soaping) could save money as well as resources?

8) Buy Products with Less Packaging

The average American discards around 4.5 pounds of trash every day, most of which ends up in landfills and incinerators. That’s more than ten times our body weight! If you want to make your home more eco-friendly, try purchasing products with less packaging—you’ll be surprised at how much of a difference that can make. Additionally, take stock of what waste you generate on a daily basis (water bottles? Coffee cups? Dog poo bags?) and try reducing it. You may not be able to go zero waste overnight but taking small steps towards eco-friendliness is better than doing nothing at all!

9) Use Bamboo Utensils and Totes

Bamboo is a far more environment-friendly alternative to most of our disposable, nonrecyclable utensils and takeaway containers. Not only do bamboo utensils last longer, but they’re also strong enough to hold your takeout food and won’t break down in landfills. If you want something that’s easy on your wallet, consider investing in bamboo totes instead.

10) Choose Sustainable Building Materials

You can significantly reduce your home’s environmental impact by using sustainable building materials. While these products may cost more up front, they save money in other ways – such as lower utility bills and a smaller carbon footprint. For example, if you choose sustainable wood for your flooring, you could see savings on your air conditioning bill every year because of how well it insulates your home. In general, recycled materials are always better than new when it comes to sustainability. If possible, opt for bamboo or cork instead of hardwood flooring; both are renewable resources that don’t require deforestation.

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